FECL 02 (November 1991)

Romania has for long been known as a country of emigration. But ever more restrictive immigration and refugee policies in Western European countries have created a new problem for this country: Thousands of migrants and refugees on there way to Western Europe are trapped in Romania.

In an interview with Romanian TV (September 9, 91) the chief of the Dept. of passports and foreigners described the situation of foreigners staying in Romania without a legal status in the following words:

"The majority of these people are citizens of Asian and African countries. At this moment their number is estimated at about 4500. They lack any material support. 90% intend to stay in Romania only for a short period, as a transit stop on their way to Western European countries. The problem is that many do not have any proof of identity (travel documents). They have crossed the "green border" illegally. Those who carry passports have no visa for the countries they intend to go to.

The authorities are worried about the increasing number of persons who want to use Romania as a transiting country in their irregular migration westwards. Up to now two refugee camps have been set up and a financial support of 5 million lei (20'000 US $) has been voted.

On the other hand - and this probably causes the greatest problems - stands the fact that Romania does not yet have an asylum policy.

Many of these people apply for refugee status limited to a short period, but we lack a legal base to fulfill their wish. For example: 200 Albanians came 2 weeks ago asking for asylum and financial support, but we were unable to respond to their request. They became violent and we had to ask the police to intervene. Now the situation is relatively calm, but we need a law which reglements the refugee policy as soon as possible."

The "irregular" refugees known to the government come from the following countries: Pakistan (1961), Bangla Desh (597), Sri Lanka (584), Ghana (402), Somalia (250), Albania (209), other countries (5oo).

Due to the lack of funds the living conditions in the two camps set up by the government are miserable.

Zoli Basza, Clut, Romania