FECL 02 (November 1991)

ABEL P., HEBENTON B.; THOMAS T., WRIGHT S. (1991), The Technopolitics of Exclusion: An assessment of Constitutional & Political Implications of the New Tools for Policing Europe after 1992 . Unpublished papers prepared for the XIXth Annual Conference of the European Group for the study of deviance and social control, Potsdam, FRG, 4-8 September 1991.

ALLEN Sheila and MACEY Marie (1990), Race and Ethnicity in the European Context , British Journal of Sociology, 41 (3): 375-393.

BALIBAR Etienne (1991), Es gibt keinen Staat in Europa: Racism and Politics in Europe Today , New Left Review, April 1991: 5-19.

BOLTEN José (1991), From Schengen to Dublin: The New Frontiers of Refugee Law , Nederlands JuristenBlad, 5: 165-178.

BUNYAN Tony (1991), Towards an Authoritarian European State , Race and Class, 32 (3): 19-27.

CAPELLETTI M., SECCOMBE M., WEILER J., (eds.) (1986), Integration through Law: Europe and the American Federal Experience , 2 vol. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter.

C.E.D.R.I. (1990), Droit d'Asile et les Accords de Schengen: Documents du Parlement Européen , 1987-1990. Forcalquier (France): C.E.D.R.I.

CLUTTERBUCK Richard (1990), Terrorism, Drugs and Crime in Europe after 1992 . London, Routledge.

COMITE PERMANENT D'EXPERTS D'ONG NEERLANDAISES (1990) , Appel Urgent, Leiden 28 May 1990. Forcalquier (France): C.E.D.R.I.

CRUZ Antonio (1991), Carrier Sanctions in Four Community States , Nederland JuristenBlad, 5: 179-188.

DUTCH COUNCIL OF STATE (1991), Opinion on the Schengen Supplementary Agreement (english translation) . The Hague, April 8, 1991.

HOUSE OF COMMONS, HOME AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (1990), Practical Police Co-operation in the European Community , Vol II, Memoranda of Evidence. London: HMSO.

INTERPOL GENERAL SECRETARIAT (1990), The Drugs Situation in Europe after 1992 , International Criminal Police Review, 425: 25-32.

JESSURUN D'OLIVEIRA Hans Ulrich (1991), European Community Refugee Policy , Migrantenrecht, n. 3/4: 76-82.

MUUS Philip (1990), Migration in Europe: Prospects for 1992 . Unpublished paper prepared for the XVIII Annual Conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, Haarlem (The Netherlands), 4-7 September 1990.

LODGE, J. (1988), The Threat of Terrorism , London: Wheatsheaf.

On the Record: Police National Computer, Criminal Records, Data Protection , Parliamentary Cuttings Bulletin, Issue 3, Leeds, 1991.

PASTORE Massimo (1991), Towards the Building of a Fortress Europe? The Enforcment of Internal and External Controls on People in the New Community "without internal borders" . Unpublished paper prepared for the XIX Annual Conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, Potsdam, 4-8 Sept. 1991.

ROBERTSON K.G., (1989), 1992: The Security Implications . London: Institute for European Defense and Strategic Studies.

VAN OUTRIVE Lode, (1990), Migration and Penal Reform: One European Policy? Unpublished paper prepared for the XVIII Annual Conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, Haarlem, The Netherlands, 4-7 September 1990.

WEIS P., Asylum and Terrorism , ??: 37-43.

(The bibliography above has been compiled by Massimo Pastore, Istituto di Scienze medico forensi, Università di Torino, corso Montevecchio 38, I-10100 Torino)

RESHAPING EUROPE: A Report from the European Round Table of Industrialists , MONOD Jérôme, GYLLENHAMMAR Pehr, DEKKER Wisse, September 1991, p.57: A common immigration policy, ERT, Rue Guimard 15, B-1040 Brussels.

FORTRESS EUROPE? WHY? , BUSCH Nicholas, September 1991, European Civic Forum, B-P.42, F-04300, Forcalquier.

FÄSTNINGEN EUROPA - FÄNGELSE EUROPA? BUSCH, Nicholas, November 1991, unpublished paper, a critical synopsis of the Schengen II agreement and its political background, swedish.