FECL 03 (January/February 1992)

The Swedish government rejected the asylum application of a 31 year old Palestinian who had left Norway vainly hoping thus to escape the Israeli secret service Mossad's investigative activities in Norway (see: "Norway: Israel's secret service Mossad participated in police interviews of asylum seekers", PFE circular letter No.2, November 91).

Once arrived in Sweden, the Palestinian was questioned twice by members of the Norweigian (!) security. The Norweigian security officials were operating in their neighbor country "together or on request of the Israeli secret service Mossad", as the Palestinian's Norweigian and Swedish lawyers put it. The lawyers take it for given that the informations given by the man to Norweigian security or informations on him have been handed out to Mossad.

Source: "Dagens Nyheter", 6.11.91