FECL 09 (October 1992)

3RD CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN CIVIC FORUM: A summary report on the Congress is available in english, french and german at: Forum Civique Européen, BP 42, F-04300 Forcalquier, tel: +33/92730598, fax: +33/92731818

DAS EUROPA DER ÜBERWACHER - Ein Krieg gegen die Flüchtlinge der Welt? Die Schweiz auf dem Weg ins Polizei-Europa? A 65 page documentation (available in German only) mainly based on press cuttings on European harmonization in the spheres of criminal law, policing, asylum and foreigners policies and the relations between Europe and the Third World with a particular focus on Switzerland. Published by Flüchtlingsinformation, Dokumentationsstelle der Stiftung Gertrud Kurz, Postfach 6175, CH-3001 Berne, and Komitee Schluss mit dem Schnüffelstaat, Postfach 6948, CH-3001 Berne. Price: sfr.15.-

YOUGOSLAVIAN CONFERENCE, 1. SESSION , at the 3rd Congress of the ECF, 2-9 August 92: Around thirty citizens from all parts of ex-Yougoslavia participated at this peace conference which resulted in the adoption a 'collective platform' for peace and the setting up of six commissions (media, churches, refugees, minority and human rights, cultural action, municipalities and local authorities). Report on the conference (12 pages) available in english, french and german at: European Civic Forum, Postfach 2780, CH-4002 Basle, Tel: +41/61 446619, Fax: +41/61 446620