FECL 11 (December 1992/January 1993)

European Asylum Policy: A Fortress Under Construction , Suzanne Egan and Andy Storey, Trócaire Development Review, Dublin, 1992, pp.49-65. This article examines trends in the flows of migrants and refugees into Western Europe and the increasingly restrictive response adopted by both national governments and intergovernmental institutions. The main elements of present asylum policies, and proposals for future changes in those policies, are outlined and critiqued, in particular the implications, both positive and negative, of the Maastricht Treaty. Some recommendations are made regarding the evolution of future policy.

Available at: Trócaire, 169 Booterstown Av., Co. Dublin, Ireland; Fax:+353/1/2883577.

A historical critical overview of European inter-governmental cooperation on matters of immigration, asylum, and internal security , Massimo Pastore, July 1992, Istituto die Scienze medico forensi, University of Turin, Italy.

"Boundary" conflicts around and inside the European Community , Massimo Pastore, Istituto die Scienze Medico Forensi, University of Turin. Paper presented to the 20th Annual Conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Control (Padova, 3-6.9.92) on: European Union, internal market and the need to redefine external and internal boundaries in Europe; The new perspective of a shared responsibility for controlling the external borders and its implications for immigration and asylum; The re-definition of external boundaries: where will the new border-line be traced out?; Re-defining Euro-citizens and Euro-aliens; Security problems and "boundary crisis".

European toolshops for tyrants - the role of a reconstituted police industrial complex, Steve Wright, The Omega Foundation, 13 Patton Street, Manchester M1 2BA, UK. Paper prepared for the 20th Conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control (Padova, 3-6.9.92). In the wake of European unification new forms of "electronic" control and policing are being developed.

New police technologies are increasing efficiency and range of action of the police. The author reveals the influence of multi-national industrial complexes dealing with security technology on policing in Europe. The revelations are based mainly on the author's incognito visits to exhibitions of police and security technology around the world.

Social Kritik , Danish magazine for social analysis and debate, No. 22/23, November 1992, Nansensgade 66 kld., DK-1366 Copenhagen K.; Main theme in this issue is Policing in Europe (editor: Ida Koch). Contributions by Ida Koch, Øjvind Larsen, Massimo Pastore, Kiki Morén, Nicholas Busch, Steve Wright, J"rgen Jepsen, Peter Blume, Morten Kjaerum, Christian Horst and Benny Lihme. Language: Danish.

Telephone tapping in the Swiss Confederation (Telephonueberwachung im Bund) , report of a Committee of the Swiss Parliament, 9.11.92. Language: German. A complete version (37 pages) and a condensed version (13 pages) are available at PFE.

Ad Hoc Group 'Immigration': Report by the sub-group 'Asylum' on organizational and technical problems and options in setting up EURODAC, the electronic fingerprint-data bank. Brussels, 21 August 1992, SN/2833/1/92 WGI 1133. The report is 'confidential', of course. Guess who might have a copy of the (German) text and don't hesitate to contact this person. Confidentiality guaranteed.

European Parliament, Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs:

  • Report on the abolition of controls at internal borders and free movement of persons within the European Community, A3-0284/92, Rapporteur: Tsimas. Resolution adopted by the EP on 13.11.92. The resolution stresses the obligation for all EC-Member States to lift internal border controls for all citizens (including third country nationals) and calls on the Commission to take action against any state not complying with the respective obligations contained in the EEC Treaty. At the same time it advocates the creation of a "European Coast Guard" to combat clandestine immigration and drug trafficking.

  • Report on European immigration policy, A3-0280/92, Rapporteur: van den Brinck. Resolution adopted by the EP on 18.11.92. Among others, the resolution calls for the transfer of the domains of legal and illegal immigration to the Community institutions, for the right of non-EC nationals (regular residents) to move freely within all Member States of the European Economic Area and to benefit from the protection offered by Community law. The right to family reunification shall be granted to the spouse and children under 18 of EC-workers with regularized residence.

  • Report on the harmonization within the European Communities of asylum law and policies, A3-0337/92/PART A & B, Rapporteur: Cooney. Resolution adopted by the EP on 18.11.92. The report criticizes that asylum seekers' chances for a fair hearing of their claims are jeopardized by a growing number of dissuasive regulations and practices. Accordingly, the resolution calls for the guarantee of a number of common standards with respect to the rights of asylum seekers (i.a. unfettered access to the territory and automatic access to the asylum procedure, fair hearing, free legal assistance and access to an appeal procedure with a court. It further calls for an international court to be entrusted with the interpretation of asylum legislation in the Member States which should be compulsory.

  • Second Report on the entry into force of the Schengen Agreements, A3-0336/92, Rapporteur: van Outrive. Resolution adopted by the EP on 19.11.92. The resolution calls for more control, by the national parliaments and the Community institutions on the implementation of the Schengen II Agreement. The necessity for international judicial control by the European Court of Justice is once more stressed and the Commission is urged to submit proposals for the amendment of a number of provisions in the agreement which have been subject to constant criticism by the EP.