FECL 15 (May 1993)

Bürgerforum Paulskirche 1993 - Wohin treibt die Bundesrepublik Deutschland?

The Forum is to be held in Frankfurt on 19 June 1993. Some of the supporting groups and organisations are: Gustav-Heinemann Foundation, Neue Richtervereinigung (an association of judges), Frankfurter Aufruf, Heinrich Böll-Stiftung, Greenpeace, RAV (Republican Association of Lawyers), Pax Christi, Kritische Polizist-Innen (Critical police), Pro Asyl, Humanistische Union and Starfverteidigerverein-igungen (German association of trial lawyers).

The idea to hold this Forum arose against the background of disquieting changes of the political social and cultural climate in Germany, within the last year (racist violence, a debate on legislation and constitutional amendments to the detriment of fundamental rights and liberties one the one hand, massive protest in defence of the victims of a misguided immigration and industrial policy on the other).

The organisers are concerned by "fatal dynamics" with a bent towards authoritarian government and rightist populism and call for aen effort to overcome these "liberticide tendencies".

No definitive program for the event has yet been published, but the Forum will focus on subjects in the fields of ecology, migration, asylum, civil liberties and "internal security", the universality human rights and the "New World Order", and military out-of-area engagements of Germany.

For further information contact: Organisationsbüro Strafverteidigervereinigungen, Siemenststrasse 15, D-5000 Cologne 30, Tel: +49/221 557026, Fax: +49/221 5504000.