FECL 20 (November 1993)

Council of Europe

Resolution on the situation of the refugees and displaced persons in Serbia, Montenegro and the former Yugoslav Republlc of Macedonia , ERE51010.WP, adopted on 28.9.93.

The resolution is based on the Fluckiger-report (see CL No.l9, p.6). It stresses the disastrous effects of the UN embargo on Serbia and Montenegro on the civilian population and particularly on refugees and i.e. callsfor measures allowing effective humanitarian aid in all parts of former Yugoslavia, the renouncement of visa requirements for Bosnian refugees and forthe adoption of "an international agreement on minimum standards for fair and satisfactory asylum procedures.

Groups de travail sur one structure de solidarita du Groupe de Vlenne: Vers one cooperation europeenne face aux mouvements de la population , D0C.51, Strasbourg, 3.6.93, 26 p., in French. Draft report in the framework of the Vienna process, by Jonas Widgren.

European Parliament

Resolution on deserters from the armed forces of states in former Yugoslavia , Doc EN\RE\237\237989. The resolution is critical of certain member states that to deny asylum to deserters and draft evaders from former Yugoslavia, and in particular Serbia and Montenegro. It recalls the statement of the UNHCR that anybody refusing to take part in "an internationally condemned war action" is deserving of "international protection" and calls for arrangements by the member states to "give sanctuary to the deserters and conscientious objectors not serving in the various armed forces fighting on the territory of former Yugoslavia", and specfically urges Denmark to stop sending deserters back to Macedonia. (Further details and comments on this remarkable initiative of the European Parliament in our next issue).

Resolution on free movement of persons pursuant to Article 8a of the EEC Treaty , PE 174.419, adopted on 15.7.93. The resolution regrets tha_t free movement o1 persons within the EC is still held up by barriers and calls for the rapid implementation of this "fundamental principle.

European Council

Coordinators' Group on Free Movement of Persons Programme of work during the Belgian Presidency , Brussels, 28.6.93, CIRC 3653/93, 10 p., confidential. Information on planned activities of the Coordinator's Group in the following domains:

  • The Palma Document programme on compensatory measures linked to the implementation of free movement of persons within the EC.

  • The preparation and implementation of Title VI (Justice and Home Affairs) of the Treaty on European Union.

  • Combating racism and xenophobia. Among the major objectives named in the programme are: the finalisation of a Convention on the European Information System (EIS); the signature, as soon as possible, of the Convention on the crossing of the external frontiers; the ratfication by all member states and implementation of the Dublin Convention; the vigorous conduct of negotiations for an Europol Convention; measures for an effective expulsion of illegal foreigners from the EC territory; an assessment on data protection policies with regard to the setting up of the EIS, the CIS (Customs Information System) and Eurodac (asylum information system); an examination of the "question of security required for the transmission of certain documents concerning the subject-matter of Tile VI of the Treaty [on Union)'; an alignment with the process of opening and transparency.