"THE USE AND ABUSE OF POWER: BEYOND CONTROL?" - XXII annual conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control. August 25-28, 1994 at Democritus University of Thrace, Komotini, Thrace, Greece.
The concept of power and its analysis is not new in social science. However, recent transformations in the world order demand that we reassess the meaning and the acceptability of power. New forms of social "order" require new forms and legitimations of power, and we are interested in exploring these.
Hence, this year's conference will focus on power, its exercise and control. Contributions will therefore be welcomed in the following broad areas:
- The concept of power, its definitions, origins, forms, its ocations, visibility, images and representations.
- The use of power, justifications, abuses, agencies, distribution, degree, traditional checks and balances.
- Challenges to power, strategies for limitation, control, redistribution of power and empowerment.
Papers are particularly welcome on the following specific themes: Concentrations and operations of economic power at the national and international level; New definitions of crime; Crimes of the powerful; Political and judicial corruption; Issues of national identities, ethnicity and migration; Categorisation, marginalisation and exclusion - the role of professionals and their discourses; Gender perspectives; Primacy of economic rationality in education, welfare, crime control and other social institutions and services; Law and order in legitimising the transformation/distortion of legal principles.
The conference is organised in co-operation with the Laboratory of Criminological Sciences, Thrace.
For further information or booking, please contact: Karen Leander, Tjurbergsgatan 27, S-118 56 Stockholm; Tel: +46/8 6445135 or 6290568, Fax: +46/8 289500.REALITÄT UND UTOPIEN DER INFORMATIK (Reality and utopias in computer sciences) - 10th annual conference of the Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung (FIFF), 7 - 9 October 1994, Bremen University, Bremen, Germany.
The FIFF is a German organisation of critical computer scientists founded in 1984, with its origins in the German peace movement.
The conference will focus on the following items:
- Which utopias and vision have decisively influenced and are influencing the development of information technology in the domains of work, daily life, state and environment?
- What has happened to the fears and hopes attached to information technologies ten years ago?
- Which risks and chances does the future development of information technology comprise?
At the conference, workshops will deal with issues such as: "Information technology as a means of (in)security"; Information technologies in medicine: the risk factor man; Computer sciences and responsibility, and many more. The conference language is German.
For further information, please contact: FIFF Bremen; Hans-Jörg Kreowski, Universität Bremen; FB 3 - Informatik, Postfach 330440, D-28334 Bremen; Tel: +49/421 2182956; Fax: +49/421 2184233.