FECL 26 (July/August 1994)

On 4 July, the "Committee against compulsory measures in foreigner law" handed over 75,000 signatures demanding a referendum on a bill on `compulsory measures' against foreigners. The bill was adopted by parliament in March (see FECL No.25, p.1).

In Switzerland any law adopted by parliament must be submitted to a referendum if at least 50,000 voters demand it by signing a referendum petition.

The immediate effect of the success of the campaign for a referendum was that the contested law did not enter into force on 4 July as planned by the government. No date for the referendum vote has yet been set.

Sources: 'Komitee Schluss mit dem Schnüffelstaat', Postfach 6948, CH-3001 Berne, Tel: +41/31 3124030; Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 6.7.94.