FECL 26 (July/August 1994)

SICHERHEIT - FÜR WEN? (Security - for whom?), Seminar on the new Swiss State protection legislation, Berne, 3 September 1994

The seminar is organised by the Komitee "Schluss mit dem Schnüffelstaat" (Stop the Snooping State), under the sponsorship of the Social Democratic Party, the Green Party, the Swiss Federation of Unions (SGB), and the Swiss section of Democratic Jurists.

The objective of the seminar is to initiate a broad debate on the issue of "internal security" and "state protection", based on relevant developments in Switzerland in recent years and the planned introduction of a new law on state protection.

In recent years, Switzerland, although not a member of the EU, appears to have become a "testing ground" for new concepts of policing. Participation in the seminar is therefore recommended for a non-Swiss public too.

With the participation of, among others: Hans-Ulrich Jost, Professor of History at the Lausanne University, Thilo Weichert, deputy commissioner for data protection in Lower Saxony (Germany) and president of the German Association for Data Protection, Werner Carrobbio, member of the parliamentary committee on security, and Niklaus Oberholzer, lawyer and Teacher in Penal Law, HSG St. Gall.

Conference languages: German and French.

For further information contact: Komitee Schluss mit dem Schnüffelstaat, Berne, Switzerland. Tel: +41/31 3124030, Fax: +41/313124045.

FORTRESS EUROPE WITHOUT FOREIGNERS? European Campaigning against Racism, Nationalism and Fascism, Salzburg (Austria), 6-9 October.

The conference is organised by UNITED for Intercultural Action in co-operation with Österreichischer Bundesjugendring.

Conference items, among others: Fortress Europe without Foreigners (debate with a representative of the EP's Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs); Woodpeckers on the Fortress Europe; New ideas for campaigning against racism and fascism.

For further information contact: UNITED, Postbus 413, NL-1000 AK Amsterdam, tel: +31/ 20 6834778; Fax: +31/20 6834582.

REALITÄT UND UTOPIEN DER INFORMATIK (Reality and utopias in computer sciences) - 10th annual conference of the Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung (FIFF) , 7 - 9 October 1994, Bremen University, Bremen, Germany.

The FIFF is a German organisation of critical computer scientists founded in 1984, with its origins in the German peace movement.

The conference will focus on the following items:

  • Which utopias and vision have decisively influenced and are influencing the development of information technology in the fields of work, daily life, state and environment?
  • What has happened to the fears and hopes attached to information technologies ten years ago?
  • What risks and chances does the future development of information technology hold?

At the conference, workshops will deal with issues such as: "Information technology as a means of (in)security"; Information technologies in the field of medicine: the risk factor man; Computer sciences and responsibility, and many more. The conference language is German.

For further information, please contact: FIFF Bremen; Hans-Jörg Kreowski, Universität Bremen; FB 3 -Informatik, Postfach 330440, D-28334 Bremen; Tel: +49/421 2182956; Fax: +49/421 2184233.