FECL 26 (July/August 1994)

Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly: Report on deserters and draft dodgers from former Yugoslavia , Rapp: H.G. Franck, Sweden, 10.6.94, Doc. 7102.

The report calls on the Member States of the Council of Europe to consider the refusal to participate in a war condemned by the international community as a ground for granting asylum and expresses concern on certain Member States' determination to send asylum seekers who are deserters or draft-dodgers back to the various republics of former Yugoslavia.

In the resolution based on the report the Parliamentary Assembly, inter alia, regrets that Croatia, which has a special guest status at the Assembly, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (which has no such status) do not in practice recognise the right of conscientious objection and severely punish those who refuse to take part in military operations condemned by the international community.

OBEKTIV , Bulletin of the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee , ISSN 1310-3911, in English.

Among the contents of the March - May issue: The harassment of the Gypsy community in Bulgaria: a case of ethnic cleansing?; A debate on the sensitive problem in the former communist countries of Europe of separatism and human rights; Psychiatric abuse in Bulgaria; the debate on the death penalty in Bulgaria.

The newsletter gives an interesting insight into the situation of human rights and civil liberties in post-communist Bulgaria.

Available from: Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, 6 Gourgouliat Street, 5th floor, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria; Tel/fax: +359/ 2 818480.

(EX) YOUGOSLAVIE - DESERTEURS , Liaisons, April-March-June issue. Liaisons is the periodical of Maison commune , a voluntary association in Belgium for the promotion of East-West contacts.

A comprehensive documentation on the situation of refugees and deserters from former Yugoslavia, with a lot of background information on the war, the attitude of Western European governments and the role of media. Particular attention is also given to the ongoing European campaign in support of deserters and draft resisters from former Yugoslavia initiated by the European Civic Forum. 35 p., in French.

Available from: Maison Commune ASBL, 70, Rue E. Banning, B-1050 Brussels; Tel: +32/2 6495850.

PLEIN DROIT: Familles interdites . Plein Droit is the periodical magasine of GISTI (a French association of jurists and social workers which supports immigrant workers). No.24 (April/June 94) is about the undermining of foreigners' right to a family life in France, following the entry into force of the "Pasqua laws" on foreigners.

A comprehensive documentation made by some of the most competent French experts in the field. 42 p.; in French.

Available from: GISTI, 30, rue des Petites Ecuries, F-750 10 Paris. Tel: +33/1 42470760.

La circulation des étrangers dans l'espace européen , publ. by GISTI, Paris, June 1994. Foreigners and free movement in the EEA. Synoptical information on relevant regulations in the Schengen Treaties, the Dublin Convention, the Treaty on European Union, the EEA Treaty, Bilateral treaties between the EU and non-Member States, and the Draft Convention on external borders. 48 p., in French.

Available from: GISTI (see address above)