FECL 38 (October 1995)


The newly-formed International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) will convene the fifth International Research and Advisory Panel Conference on Forced Migration (IRAP) in Eldoret, Kenya, from 9-12 April 1996. The conference is being hosted in the "developing world" for the first time, and will take place at the Centre for Refugee Studies, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.

Since the first meeting in January 1990, IRAP has developed into the largest and most wide-ranging international conference devoted solely to forced migration issues in the world. Held every two years, the aim of the conference is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for intellectual exchange and communication between academic researchers, refugee professionals and policy makers, and to stimulate debate on research priorities and policy issues. Discussion at the fifth IRAP conference will concentrate on a number of key themes, on which offers of research or discussion papers are urgently sought:

  • Gender Issues in Forced Migration;
  • The Reception and Representation of Refugees in Host Countries;

  • Repatriation and Reconstruction;

  • Forced Migration and Environmental Change;

  • Unaccompanied Minors.

After an opening session on 9 April, in which two international experts (one researcher, and one policy-maker) discuss the major challenges facing the international refugee regime, each of the following four days will be wholly or partly devoted to one of the themes listed above. In each case, plenary sessions to be addressed by invited keynote speakers will be followed by parallel workshops providing a forum for discussion of submitted papers, or allowing for round-table discussion on particular issues or regions.

In addition to these formal sessions, membership of the Executive Committee of IASFM for 1996-98 will be open for election at the conference, whilst there is likely to be a series of specialist workshops on issues such as regional activities, teaching, public policy, etc., at the initiative of conference participants. A range of optional excursions will also be available at the end of the conference.

Abstracts (100 words) are invited from academics, policy makers, practitioners and refugees on any of the above themes. They should be sent immediately to: Dr Loes van Willigen, Chair, IRAP Programme Committee, Stichting Pharos, Postbus 13318, 3507 LH Utrecht, The Netherlands; Tel: +31/30 349800; Fax: +31/30 364560.

For more information on the conference contact: Monica Kathina, IRAP Local Secretary, Centre for Refugee Studies, Moi University, PO Box 3900, Eldoret, Kenya; Tel: +254/321 43620 ext. 240; Fax: +254/321 43047.