FECL 42 (March 1996)


Langdon Report on the preparation of the associated Central European countries for membership of the EU: Justice and Home Affairs, Brussels, 18.01.96, SEK(96)86, 35 p., in German.


A vision of Europol, note from the Europol Drugs Unit to the Europol Working Party, Brussels, 20.12.95, 9540/1/95 REV 1 limite Europol 83, 18 p., in English.

Draft regulation on confidentiality, note from the presidency to Europol Working Party, Brussels, 15.11.95, 9204/1/95, Rev 1 limite Europol 73, 32 p., in English.


United Kingdom: Wrongful Detention of Asylum-Seeker Raghbir Singh, February 1996, AI Index: EUR 45/01/96, 10 p.

Federal Republic of Germany: The alleged ill-treatment of foreigners - An update to the May 1995 report, February 1996, AI Index: EUR 00/000/1996, 12 p.

Cinquante ans de législation sur les étrangers, PLEIN DROIT No.29-30 (Nov 1995), 110 p., in French. This issue deals with the development of French foreigners law since 1945. With contributions of, among others, Jean-Pierre Alaux, Alfred Grosser, Danièle Lochak, Christian Bruschi and Patrick Mony.

Available at: GISTI, 30, rue des Petites Ecuries, F-75010 Paris; Tel: +33/1 42 470760; Fax: +33/1 42 470709.

Detention of Asylum-Seeekers in Europe, UNHCR, Regional Bureau for Europe, European Series Vol. 1, No 4, October 1995, ISBN 92-1-100 707-0, 231 p.

In the absence of any overall and well-documented survey on detention of asylum seekers in Europe, UNHCR decided to undertake this study which consists of: a set of UNHCR Guidelines; a summary of the international human rights law and standards relevant to detention with special emphasis on Europe; and a description and summary of the legal basis, practice and conditions of detention in each European state (country overview).

Human Rights Project, Bulgaria: Annual Report 1995, Human Rights Project, 13 Uzunjovska Street, 2nd floor, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria, Tel/Fax: +359/2 875577; Email:; 27 p., in English.

The report focuses on the human rights situation of the Roma Community and the legal defence of Roma victims of human rights abuse in Bulgaria.

OBEKTIV - Monthly Newsletter of the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee (BHC), ISSN - 1310 -3911, January 1996. Full text of the BHC's 1995 report. The BHC monitors the state of human rights of ethnic and religious minorities, refugees, detained persons, freedom of expression, and legislation concerning these topics.

Available at: 21 Gladstone St, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria, Tel/Fax: +359/2 816823 or 873659; Email: