FECL 43 (April/May 1996)

On a visit to Budapest in mid-April, the Swiss Minister of Justice and Police, Arnold Koller, agreed with his Hungarian counterparts, Justice Minister Vastagh and Interior Minister Kuncze, upon the intensification of the two countries' cooperation in the fields of justice, police and internal security.

Switzerland will continue to assist Hungary in pursuing the reform of its judicial system. Switzerland has already trained some 250 Hungarian judges.

The talks also centred on an assessment of the situation with reference to internal security and international organised crime. The two countries intend to conclude a bilateral agreement enabling an effective fight against crime by the swift exchange of data and joint criminal investigations.

Intense police cooperation between Switzerland and Hungary has been going on for several years. Switzerland substantially assisted the reorganisation of Hungarian police.

The Hungarian Interior Minister has now asked Switzerland to continue its assistance programme, in particular with regard to the setting up of a criminal register and the development of electronic data systems for the police. Switzerland is to supply Hungary with an electronic fingerprint register.

Mr Koller and Interior Minister Kuncze also exchanged views with regard to migration problems and the return of the refugees from the former Yugoslavia.

Source: Swiss Federal Department of Justice and Police: press release, 19.4.96.