FECL 43 (April/May 1996)

Briefing on Europol, European Parliament, Task-Force on the Intergovernmental Conference, Luxembourg, 30.1.96, PE 165.807, 16 p., in English.

Temporary migration for employment purposes -Report and guidelines, Council of Europe, European Committee on Migration, Strasbourg 1996, CDMG(96) 18E.

Draft Resolution on individuals who cooperate with the judicial process in the fight against organised crime, EU-Council (K.4 Committee), Brussels, 29.2.96, 5440/96 LIMITE, JUSTPEN 30.

The Draft calls on the member states to adopt "appropriate measures to encourage members of criminal associations to cooperate with the judiciary. Member states are, inter alia, encouraged to grant "benefits to individuals who break away from a criminal organisation and do their best to prevent the criminal activity being carried further."

The Dutch parliament unanimously obliged the government not to adopt the Draft, proposed by the Italian EU presidency, on the grounds that criminals should not be used as state witnesses and covert agents and should not be baited with large amounts of money, reduction of sentences and special measures for their protection.