FECL 43 (April/May 1996)

Frontiers - the Challenge of Interculturality: International Conference, Belgrade, 30 May - 1 June 1996.

The objective of the conference is to discuss the possibility of conceiving the frontier - in contrast to the dominant political definition of the frontier as a limiting, preventing and prohibitive factor - as an area of mutual exchange of cultures, coexistence of various entities, understanding among members of various nations and confessions, as well as among people of various political beliefs. Reasons for opening public discussion of this issue in the Balkans today seem self-evident.

Contact: Dr Bozidar Jaksic, Tel/Fax +381/11 646242; Narodnog fronta 45, YU - 11000 Belgrad

24th Annual Conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance & Social Control, Bangor, North Wales, 12-15 September 1996: ""Regulating Europe - Criminology, Care and Control""

Contact: Chris Powell, Centre for Comparative Criminology & Criminal Justice, University of Wales, Bangor, North Wales, LL57 2DG, UK; Tel: +44/1248 382839, Fax: 362029; e-mail:

"Speak out for refugee rights!" - Conference in Brussels, 13-14 June 1996

Organised by UNITED for Intercultural Action with the support of the Green Group and the Socialist Group in the European Parliament.

Contact: UNITED, PB 413, NL 1000 AK Amsterdam; Tel: +31/20 6834778, Fax: 6834582; e-mail: