FECL 53 (January/February 1998)

Britain is to set up a police task force to fight against trafficking in migrants. Significantly, the British secret services MI5 and MI6 will also engage in the war on migrant smugglers.

In the opinion of the British Government the creation of the task force is necessary in view of evidence that the "Russian Mafia" and organised crime groups from China, Colombia and Nigeria who used to concentrate on drugs trafficking are now extending their activities to trafficking in people.

Would-be immigrants are believed to pay £3000-£10,000 for the services of smuggling organisations, which can include false documents and the services of a lawyer upon arrival in the UK.

The new unit will have a staff of only six officers, but will be empowered to draw on police and the immigration service, as well as the security agencies MI5 and MI6 for resources and manpower.

Source: Agence France Presse, 26.11.97.