FECL 59 (December 1999)

According to the Director General of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), Brunson McKinley, Bulgaria cannot be considered a country of origin of emigration to the EU. This is an important precondition for membership in the EU. An IOM survey found in 1998 that Bulgaria has one of the lowest West-bound migration potentials.

Mr McKinley further said the IOM is ready to assist the Bulgarian government in its migration policy efforts.

As a matter of fact, IOM assistance will concentrate on the implementation of return programmes for rejected asylum seekers and "undocumented irregular migrants" transiting Bulgaria on their way to Western Europe. This highlights the prime focus of IOM activities in Europe: prevention of immigration to Western Europe.

The IOM Chief praised the work of the Bulgarian Government Agency for Refugees. The Bulgarian News Agency noticed with satisfaction that "in [McKinley's] opinion, there are fine institutions and a smoothly functioning legal framework in this area, which is an important prerequisite for support from the EU member states".

Source: Bulgarian News Agency BTA, Sofia, 10.12.99.